Friday, February 24, 2017

Can't Close Shift in mPOS Error

I ran into an issue today and finally found a solution so I want to make a post about it just in case if someone else run into the same problem.  The issue I was having was I wasn't able to open a new shift, because there was already a shift open with a pending transaction. So let's us back up a little bit because at this time I was installing offline database and I was just jumping everywhere and was able to get my mPOS to go in offline mode (great! not great...). I had issue provisioning my offline DB and after getting support from Microsoft I was able to provisioned my offline DB successfully! So I signed in to my mPOS and it asked me if I wanted to open a new shift (strange) because I never really closed my previous shift and I had a pending transaction that I never finished. So I clicked "Open a new shift" and was immediately presented with an error saying that there was already a shift opened and I need to close that shift before opening a new shift.

So I began to delete all the transactions from "RetailTransactionTable" in my channel DB and Offline DB from SQL Server Management Studio. Then tried again but no luck. After digging around a little more I found out that I can delete shifts! Awesome! The table that hold information about the shifts are  CRT.RETAILSHIFTSTAGINGTABLE, CRT.RETAILSHIFTSTAGINGTABLE_tracking, and CRT.RETAILSHIFTUSERSTAGINGTABLE. In those tables I want to find  the TERMINALID, and SHIFTID  columns that matches with the terminal and shift that you are currently on and delete those row(s). I did this both on my channel DB and Offline DB. After that I was able to log in to mPOS and was given a new shift without an error! YAY! 

I hope this little post will help those who might run into these issues! Cheers!