Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Error when Delcaring Starting Amount in mPOS

Did you get an error when declaring starting amount in mPOS? Then I have a solution for you!
What happen is when you declare starting amount the system will try and figured out which payment method you are using. If the store is not using the correct payment method then it would throw an error. What we need to do is setup a "Tender Remove/Float" payment method. We can do so by going to Retail>Common>Retail channels>Retail stores> select your store.
Then select Setup tab and select Payment methods.

In this form we want to create a new payment method and select "Tender Remove/Float", and go ahead and fill out the necessary information on the right hand side.

Once that is done we need to go back to the store and set it. Under Miscellaneous>Payment method we want to set it to the payment method we've just created. After that you want to go ahead and run 1070 and 1090 job to push the data to the store level. 

If you do everything correctly then you should be able to declare a starting amount in mPOS without any error.

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